Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Inaugural Post

Congratulations! You have just taken the first step into becoming a more conscious shopper.  In this blog you will have the chance to follow my adventures into extreme couponing and bargain hunting. You may even learn something too.

Let me begin my showing you my stockpile.  It is not very big right now as I have only been couponing for about a month and a half.  You may have seen a certain show on TLC where people have stockpiles that take up entire floors of their 5000 square foot home, but everyone has to start somewhere. 

This is my current stockpile (not including food items). Isn't it awesome?? I probably paid around $30 out of pocket for everything you see here.

One may ask at this point, "just how do you do it?"  The answer is simple: do your homework.  By researching store sale prices and comparing them with available coupons, keeping up to the minute on couponing blogs and internet forums, as well as keeping a highly-organized coupon binder, it is possible to score ultimate savings.  I check my favorite blogs several times a day in order to stay on top of my game. 

Here is an example of a sweet coupon binder:

I like to store my coupons in baseball card sleeves.  Then I organize by type (cereal, cosmetics, lotions, etc.)  It makes finding coupons a breeze, in addition to always knowing what you have.

There are a lot of good blogs to follow when you want to begin couponing. The Krazy Coupon Lady is one that I check regularly.  Also of note is Creative Couponing which has great information for those of us in the Midwest.  Last but not least is We Use Coupons which has an awesome forum updated by coupon-masters every minute.

I hope you have enjoyed my first post.  Stay tuned for sweet-deal outfits of the week, big time hauls, and all the thrifty glory you can stand. 

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