Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Remember the Golden Rule

Couponing, just like any other activity, always has its ups and downs.  You feel great when you discover an awesome deal on an expensive item, and then dismayed when you arrive at the store to see the entire stock has already been taken.  You feel victory when you are finally ready to check out after a 2 hour long shopping trip, but then frustrated when you find an exasperated cashier waiting for you. Follow the tips below to for ways that you can set a good example and make your shopping experience pleasant for everyone.

Be a friend - This is the most important thing to remember when couponing; always treat others the way you want to be treated.  Introduce yourself to store managers and cashiers, and let them know ahead of time that you will be using coupons (and possibly making more than one transaction).  You'll find that if you're nice to the store staff, they will be nice to you in return!  Always smile and be polite to the staff, as they are the key to your shopping trip being successful. 

It's also important to be respectful of other people in the store.  If there is only one cashier on duty and you have multiple transactions, let other customers go ahead of you.  The people behind you will be grateful and you will be giving a positive association to fellow couponers.  

Plan ahead - One way to avoid the heartache of finding empty shelves is to call the store ahead of time with your order.  If possible, the store will order extra product for you and keep it in the store room.  If you cannot place an order ahead of time, find out when your store gets their truck delivered.  I find that if I wait until this day to do my shopping trip that I am more likely to get all of the items I want.

In addition, try to avoid being a shelf clearer yourself.  It can be tempting to take every last nail polish when they are free (and you have enough coupons to cover them), but keep in mind how terrible it feels when the shelf is empty.  Ask the store manager if there are more items in the back, and if they could bring them up.

And don't forget about rain checks!  If a store is out of something that you want, you can often request a rain check (which will give you the promotional rate even after the sale is over).  Some stores (like CVS) have rain checks that never expire.  

Be flexible - It can be disheartening when an item that you want is sold out, potentially throwing your whole shopping trip into jeopardy (especially when you're planning on rolling rewards).  Do not panic. Try to rearrange your transactions, or find a different deal.  If things do not work out the way you planned, it is not the end of the world.  Remember rain checks and the fact that sales are cyclical (see Coupon Basics).

Patience is key - This is the true way to make your shopping trips as smooth as possible.  Take deep breaths, and follow your plan when possible.  Give yourself extra time on your trips (anything can happen).  Expect that not all people in the store will love you; perhaps a different couponer was difficult with your cashier and they have a negative association.  Maybe the store's coupon policy has changed and the staff are not aware of updates.  Smile, be kind, and do not get salty.

Remembering the golden rule will make couponing, and life, a lot easier.

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