Friday, May 30, 2014

Update: New Walgreen's Coupon Policy

Big news in the couponing world today: Walgreen's has altered their coupon policy to somewhat more restrictive guidelines.  The main differences focus on two separate areas: buy 1 get 1 promotions and items for which coupons exceed the price.

From now on, you will no longer be able to use coupons for the "free" items in buy 1 get 1 (or 2 or 3 etc.) promotions.  Previously, you would be able to use coupons for all items in the promotion.  For example, if laundry detergent was buy 1 get 1 free, and you had 2 $1/1 coupons for that detergent, you could use both coupons.  Walgreen's new policy now states that you may only use coupons for the "buy" items in your transaction.

The second biggest change to Walgreen's coupon policy regards coupons whose value exceeds the price of the item you are using it on.  Previously, if you had a coupon that was worth more than the item you were buying, the coupon value would simply adjust down to the price, often making the item free but limiting an overage.  For example, if you had a coupon for $2/1 nail polish, and the nail polish was only priced at $1.50, the coupon would automatically adjust down to a value of $1.50 at the checkout.  In the updated coupon policy, Walgreen's will no longer accept any coupons that exceeds the price of the item it is being used on.

Please note these changes as they may impact your future shopping trips.

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